In some ways, I wish I had - I started off the day by leaving my blackberry in my car, necessitating a run back to it after my morning meeting, and ended the day leaving my wallet at work, necessitating a run back to the office. It was a perfect, if nerve-wracking, bookend to the day.
In knitting news, NxtDrGuy lost the Noro ribbed hat I made him 2 years ago :-( Luckily, I found the same colorway, and ordered two skeins (an extra, just in case!), and he feels sufficiently bad about losing it. So, at least he's knit-worthy...
And finally, in shopping news, I scored the Dr Martens flats I'd been ogling for a few months on crazy sale (we're talking cheap!), in my size and the color I wanted. Here they are in all their gorgeous red technicolor (nom nom nom):