But, I digress... Sewing, although my first love, has been relegated to the bottom of the totem pole in my crafty world and this weekend, I realized how much I miss it. I mean look at this shayna punim, how can you not love it?

So, to get back in the grove, I went through a few of my boxes of fabric and came across some fabric scraps given to me by a cousin who worked in the schmata business at the time. The scraps have probably been in my stash about 10 years, and have been sore point with me - too good to throw out, too small to be of much use. And then I realized what I needed to do with them. I pinned and sewed the pieces one after the other until they were long enough, and then folded the whole thing in half lengthwise and sewed them into a tube. I kept second guessing myself, but gave myself permission to screw it all up if I had to. Well, I didn't screw up, in fact, I had enough to make two! But, please, don't take my word for it, judge for yourself (but forgive the flash photo, it is night after all!).