I don't know about you, but I certainly have enough *stuff*. Not that I don't have my eye on a few things, but I'm at the point that I can pretty much buy the little things for myself. It's the big things I'm having trouble with - you know, like a house. The prices are ridiculous where I am and I keep waiting for something to happen to change that.
Anyway, enough of my diatribe - no one really wants to listen to a curmudgeon during the holidays - we all get labelled as "scrooge" - when all we really are is realistic.
I've been knitting up a storm in hopes of selling some stuff at squeakymonkey. Tiff and I have made some stuff in exchange, which is really cool - I think her clothes are amazing! I'm for the most part done with what I'm sending her, but am hoping to finish a couple of Jayne Cobb hats to send along.

Almost done with my pumpkin pies for the Thanksgiving dinner I'm going to - then I need to go get whipped cream (forgot to pick it up last night). I'm just glad I stopped and picked up fixings last night as I got the very last can of pumpkin pie mix in the store. How lucky is that?