The moment before:

The moment of:

It's kind of exciting - I've never driven a car this long before. The one I had prior (currently retired and waiting for me to resurrect her), was driven for 8 years, so I'm pretty loyal to my cars - but I never expected to keep the Neon for almost 10 years (next month is her b-day to be precise). I thought 5 years sure, but didn't expect 10 years. I think if it weren't for her color (Magenta), I probably wouldn't have been so attached to her for so long. She's just too pretty to part with (and cheaper than buying and insuring a new car)!
AWESOME! congrats to Barney...she's worked hard for the mileage baby ;-)
Wow...I think I am @ 62K with my's to hoping she makes it to 100K too!
Congrats on your milestone!!
Elle S...:)
Ah, thanks! If you need a good mechanic, I highly recommend Al's on Burbank at Hollywood Way (I know it's a bit of a trek for ya right now). They're the greatest and they keep Barney going!
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