Granted, there are a couple of finished projects in there that just need ends woven in, or fringe added, but still... It's seriously out of control. Let's see how many projects I have going (knitwise, not sewwise):
1) Gedifra Tagliato shawl
2) Gedifra Tagliato mini-sweater from Glampyre.com
3) Gedifra Cicco Gold Paris Loop from Glampyre.com
4) Gedifra Cicco Teal Paris Loop from Glampyre.com
(I totally scored on the Cicco off ebay - yeah! 3 balls each color, so both my Loops will be slightly shorter than the original pattern)
5) Colinette Pt 5 Capelet from Teen Knitting Club (I actually made this first as a sweater from Yarn Girls' Guide to Simple knits and frogged it cos it was HUGE, then made this capelet on size 17 needles, but it stretched out so frogged it again and trying it on 15 needles this time).
6) Astrakan scarf (to match the hat I made last week)
7) Patons Up Country bolero designed by Veronik Avery (off womansday.com - lovely!)
8) Debbie Bliss Merino DK Julsey shrug (off craftster.org). I actually finished this, but made it about 3 inches too wide, so it does a weird baggy thing under the back of my arms. I thought about steeking it, but think it really does just need to be done properly. Ugh.
9) S. Charles Cabaret shawl
10) Rowan kidsilk mohair branching out (from knitty.com)
11) Tahki Stacy Charles Cotton Classic in a gorgeous teal - not sure exactly what I'll do with it, but I have a strong suspicion it will be a summer top
12) Some vintage 80's rust colored yarn that I plan to use to make a modified mini sweater from glampyre.com (mixed with some Rowan Yorkshire Tweed)
13) Eco forest green for an ubernaturel from glampyre.com
14) Eco lavendar - currently working on a ribbed scarf, but may make another shrug
15) Some gorgeous BonBon Gourment Collection to make a 70's style vest
Wow, now that I see it in print... Well, it's, um, overwhelming. Guess I better get a move on with my knitting! ;-)
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